help now ministries

 mission statement : our mission is to help all individuals who are homeless in need of shelter,  and hungry in need of food. we are dedicated and committed   to help any and everyone who needs our assistance. we believe that no one should be homeless or hungry.

Help now Ministries is a small not for profit organization that is focused on helping homeless individuals and families.we are asking for donations of shelter,non-parihsable foods, personal hygene supplies and clothing. if you are interested in donating  to our cause please contact us at or call us @704-492-4611. you can also visit us on facebook, twitter or myspace thank you for your support 

i moved to charlotte n.c. about 2 and a 1/2 years ago. upon arriving here and moving to the weserly hills area, i was overwhelmed by the amount of homeless people i saw.i didnt notice it until after all the buisnesses had closed for the day. these doorsteps became sleeping areas for the homeless people. some of these companies would put out blankets and food for them because they knew somone would be sleeping there at night. it was like they were putting out food for stray cats and dogs. it made me cry i was so hurt that people were being treated this way i decided to do somthing about it. at this point i started to introduce my self to the homeless people in my area.i became there friends and i ganed there trust. i started feeding them out of my home on a daily bases.i started asking around the neiborhood  for non-parishable foods and slightly used i work with about 17 homeless families and individuals.i have managed to find shelter for about 7 of my clients. my goal is to raise enough money to open a shelter and soup kithchen. i also want to be able to help people become self sufficiant by getting education, training or jobs.i realize i half to do more than find people shelter and food. i need to be able to find out why they are in the perdicament they are in and help them make the nessecery changes in there lives so they can become active members of this growoing city.

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